Saturday 29 December 2012

A Simpler Life.

I have dieted forever.
Since my early teenage years I have struggled with being comfortable with my body; I always carried extra weight, always thought I was fat, and was always on a new diet to get my weight down.
In my early 20s I lost alot of weight through excessive exercise and disordered eating, getting down to 58kgs at one stage, but I soon as I loosened my resolve, I put on a few kilos.
In my mid 20s, when I was hovering around 66-68kgs I had an injection of depo provera, a contraceptive, and put on 10kgs in 12 months. It was also at the time I moved to a small country town for my first teaching job and ate alot of pub meals and drank alot of pub beverages, but I quickly ballooned to the high 70kgs, my highest pre-pregnancy weight. I attended weight watchers again, and lost some weight, back down to around 70kgs.
I fell pregnant at 25 with the first of my 3 bubbas.
During my first pregnancy in 2007 I put on 20kgs, from 70kg to 90kg.
During my second pregnancy in 2009 I put on 25kgs, from 75kg to 100kgs
In late 2009 and early 2010, I dieted with Tony Ferguson shakes and lost 15kgs, from 85kgs to 70kgs. I felt fantastic and looked good. My marriage broke up around this time and I spent a few months not being very kind to myself. My weight was steady though, give or take a few kilos.
In Decemebr of 2010 I fell pregnant with my third baby, to my now husband. In a completely different place emotionally, I didn't put on nearly as much weight. I think it was around 15kilos, which was great for me. What was better was that I lost that weight fairly easily and quickly afterwards.
Over the last 12months my weight has fluctuated by around 3 kilos, from 72kg to 75kg. As it went up, I dieted with shakes, no carbs, high protein etc. As it went down I loosened my resolve. And the cycle continued.
I read alot and nutrition and diets. In my search I fell upon some life changing documentaries that transformed the way I think about what I put into my body, the 'cost' of this to the animals and our environment.
I pledged to eliminate animal products from my diet and it is the best decision I have made. Emotionally and psychologically, it makes me feel strong and empowered. Physically, in a very short period of time, it has already made a difference to my skin, energy, hair, weight loss, moods. It is the best decision I have ever made.
I created this blog to document my journey as a vegan, to promote this way of life and to show the positive changes that will hopefully result internally and externally by eating a clean, simple diet.

The Most Delisious Pasta Ever.

I love carbs. The heavy, happy feeling. But I have learnt over the years that carbs are evil, that they need to be avoided to lose weight. They are usually the first to go whenever I go on a diet.
I do think highly refined carbs ARE evil and should be avoided. But wholegrain carbs and grains like spelt, komut, rye, quinoa, cous cous and brown rice are delicious and healthy and need to be incorporated into a balanced vegan diet. I quietly panic a little when I have eaten alot of carbs but I am slowly trying to change the way I think about eating carbs and trust that I am doing the right thing by my body.

Which leads me to this beautiful thing.

Spelt Pasta with Avocado and Spinach Pesto.

250gms spelt spaghetti
1 avocado
1/2 lemon- more or less to taste
1 clove garlic
salt and pepper
handful of baby spinach
3 tbs almond meal or pine nuts
water, vege stock or oil to loosen in blender/processor

Cook pasta as per directions and blend or process remaining ingredients to make pesto. Stir pesto through hot pasta and enjoy this creamy, healthy meal that is full of goodness!

Morrocan Carrot, Sweet Potato and Chickpea Soup.

Delicious. Healthy. Super easy. Scrumptious.

500g sweet potato
500g carrots
3 or 4 cups of vege stock
2 ts cumin
1 ts coriander
1 garlic clove
3/4 can of chickpeas
1 diced onion
olive oil

Fry off onion, garlic and spices in olive oil. Add chopped stock, sweet potato and carrots. Boil until they are soft. Add chick peas for a further 10 minutes. Blend until smooth. Serve with warm sourdough, rye of other delcious bread of your choice :)